
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Small Gesture but Great Pleasure =)

~Wednesday 16th April 08~

Nothing special occur today.. v got 2 classes in the morning. Well at least its worth to wake up early & wear new clothes. x de la gi kelas n balik saja, with no input at all.

Therefore today's entry got nothing to do with my daily routine.. Its about my x-students. Something that they gave as farewell gifts which touch my heart. Tada... I paste it here..,

this is from Nuha

This is from Farah

These are the best drawing that I received. Still appreciating the rests, but most were from my year 2 students (err lukisan bebudak darjah dua pun cantiks2 cuma nilai keseniannya kurang lah hihih)

Gifts from them s token of appreciation..

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