
Saturday, February 08, 2014

E16 - Canon Printer Error Solution


A short entry, and I would like to share the tips if you happen to use the same printer as mine.
And as a reference for me in the future too.


The shop altered the printer (with my consent, of course!) and embedded the external ink tanks.
Few months back I sent it to the shop because the blue ink seems clogged. The printed page looked weird without blue.

So, they changed to a new color cartridge.

Now as the colors from the cartridge empty, the printer won't print. An error message popped up, saying something like, "The ink tanks are empty now please change..bla3". There's number blinking on the printer LCD display, "E16"


Simply restart your printer.
And then press the Stop/Reset and Color Buttons simulatenously, around 5-8 seconds.

Then your printer should work like usual.

P/S - Just ignore the orange blinking LCD there. Its meant to blink until we change to a new brand cartridge. Mahal oooo manyak cantik nak tukar selalu2..

Till then, wassalam. 
Happy printing, teachers ^^

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