
Friday, May 02, 2014

It's beautiful. but..

I've been an avid fan of this collection since ... I don't remember when. At first I was a little bit hesitate to purchase, thinking of my nearly-exploded-wardrobe. Come to think of it I don't really possessed beautiful collection. It's just  after 6 years of working it happen that I have these clothes. Some are just so so in term of looking. Looking back at a few clothes,, I don't know what I was thinking back then.

Like, buying those cotton kurung when I know that I don't really like ironing.  Ok maybe back then I didn't know that the future me will be this lazy.

Back to track. The ruccimodisch collection. I think It was last year. After holding myself from buying I found out that I regret it much. Veryyy much. Yes the price is a quite high. Somewhere between 100 - 200.

But dear me, why should you torture yourself like that? You are working lady. You have every right to make yourself happy. You can save money.  And if you die tomorrow then the money will go to someone else. At least, just buy what you want provided that you can afford it.

Err. so okay, I keep on purchasing every new collection. Of course I am happy to see the dress and kurung in my own wardrobe. I feel happy just to touch and looking at it. Didn't have the chance to wear most of it. Why? I don't think its suitable to be wore to school (for me). And I rarely have the chance to melawa n melaram going out. Just,, where should I go? Still,  I don't have any regret buying them.

Until this one. The very latest one. It's called ariana rose jubah ( they even have ariana jubah and yes..I got that in daisy pink..never worn.of course). As usual their collection never fail to mesmerise me. It comes in 14 colours.
But but but why is this soo expensive. Including the postage I think it's 195. Back then I thought its ok if the price is below 200. But now I feel like it is pricey.
Buy or not. Buy or not. Buy or not.
Don't u think saving for nz or oz or japan trip will be much better?

Half of me saying that I will receive the parcel nx week. Half of me thinking that I will back off and keep the money.

which one?

Oh my. Slap my forehead. slowly.

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