Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday Blues edisi 21April08

~Monday 21st April 08~

Another Monday.. with another assembly.. but today's occasion is a little bit unsual whereby all IPGM Kampus Perlis trainees are here.. gather for the very first time in this semester. If i'm not mistaken during last sem we once have this kind of assembly where all the KPLI's trainees (Jan 07 and July 07)were gathered.

and today, the mass gathering happen..which might be the one and only for this semester. but this time we are as the seniors.. because of such unsual assembly it happens that so many people want to give speech today.. Ish! we were standing for about 1 hour.. on a cramped-site, under the warm sunlight ....but its too much 4 the VITAMIN D.

Banyak Orang Banyak Ragam


Ramainya manusia hari ni..muka2 yg unfamiliar..n bila dah ramai2 tu, memacam la ragamnya.. Ada yg dah siap bersila aku tgk. One thing that I'm sure, nobody in our batch dare to sit during assembly. Erm, no further comment except one word.. brave. (but courageous enough I think)

We knew that children have short attention span. They get bored very quickly. Based on my experience during praktikum I noticed that the longest duration that they could bear on listening to me is 10 minutes..that's went to the smart ones.. what about the slower group.. whether it's in the class, assembly or any event.

n what about the adults? We can pretend like we are listening..sitting or standing there quietly, act like we are very attentive to the speaker but actually our mind are travelling somewhere.. hehe that's what usually happen to me..(hopefully none of my students are reading my blog)

err..dalam pada aku 'bz' mengapdet blog nih tiba2 terdengar satu suara..yang melontarkan ayat begini;

"Wah concentrate nampak, buat apa tu, kajian tindakan ke?",

sapa rumet ku... hehehehe terasa I.. nak buat keje Dr Faridah punya la malas tapi tang benda2 x berkaitan dengan pelajaran cukup mau.. betul tu.. baiklah, nampaknya sampai di sini saja coretan merepek untuk hari ini.. khas untuk tatapan Cik Fida..aku mau buat assignment plak huhuhu terpaksa memaksa diri nampaknya..


  1. Buat assignment penting gak, tp blog jgn lupe diapdet..hahahha.. sj je, dh beratus2 kali singgah, nmpak tajuk ni je dd:D
    X apdet2..

  2. Eh, didi... hahaha... ble nk apdet blog ni??hahhaa dh seratus kali aku view tajuk ni je..chewahh pandai lak aku mentang2 aku selalu apdet..tggu la time aku tak apdet nnti..hahahha
